Salone Internazionale Macchine per Enologia e Imbottigliamento 2022
From to
Fiera Milano
Milan, Italy
Milan, Italy
Fishing, Agriculture, Enology, Bottling, Farming, Food processing, Gardening, Machine-tools, Technology

Tecno Fidta Buenos Aires 2022
From to
La Rural Convention & Exhibition Center
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Alimentary, Bottling, Food technology, Food

Salone Internazionale Macchine per Enologia e Imbottigliamento 2021
From to
Fiera Milano
Milan, Italy
Milan, Italy
Fishing, Agriculture, Enology, Bottling, Farming, Food processing, Gardening, Machine-tools, Technology

Enomaq 2021
From to
Feria de Zaragoza
Zaragoza, Spain
Zaragoza, Spain
Machinery, Fishing, Agriculture, Bottling, Farming, Food machinery, Gardening, Wine, Machine-tools

Waterexpo | China (Guangzhou) International High-end Drinking Water Industry Expo 2021
From to
China Import and Export Fair(Canton Fair Complex)
Guangzhou, China
Guangzhou, China
Water, Drinks, Bottling, Meal, Industrial fairs

Waterexpo | China (Guangzhou) International High-end Drinking Water Industry Expo 2020
From to
China Import and Export Fair(Canton Fair Complex)
Guangzhou, China
Guangzhou, China
Water, Drinks, Bottling, Meal, Industrial fairs

Tecno Fidta Buenos Aires 2020
From to
La Rural Convention & Exhibition Center
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Alimentary, Bottling, Food technology, Food

Salone Internazionale Macchine per Enologia e Imbottigliamento 2019
From to
Fiera Milano
Milan, Italy
Milan, Italy
Fishing, Agriculture, Enology, Bottling, Farming, Food processing, Gardening, Machine-tools, Technology

Salone Internazionale Macchine per Enologia e Imbottigliamento (SIMEI) 2019
From to
Fiera Milano
Milan, Italy
Milan, Italy
Enology, Bottling

Waterexpo | China (Guangzhou) International High-end Drinking Water Industry Expo 2019
From to
China Import and Export Fair(Canton Fair Complex)
Guangzhou, China
Guangzhou, China
Water, Drinks, Bottling, Meal, Industrial fairs

Enomaq 2019
From to
Feria de Zaragoza
Zaragoza, Spain
Zaragoza, Spain
Machinery, Fishing, Agriculture, Bottling, Farming, Food machinery, Gardening, Wine, Machine-tools

Tecno Fidta Buenos Aires 2018
From to
La Rural Convention & Exhibition Center
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Alimentary, Bottling, Food technology, Food

Waterexpo | China (Guangzhou) International High-end Drinking Water Industry Expo 2018
From to
China Import and Export Fair(Canton Fair Complex)
Guangzhou, China
Guangzhou, China
Water, Drinks, Bottling, Meal, Industrial fairs

Waterexpo | China (Guangzhou) International High-end Drinking Water Industry Expo 2018
From to
China Import and Export Fair(Canton Fair Complex)
Guangzhou, China
Guangzhou, China
Water, Drinks, Bottling, Meal, Industrial fairs

Salone Internazionale Macchine per Enologia e Imbottigliamento 2017
From to
Fiera Milano
Milan, Italy
Milan, Italy
Fishing, Agriculture, Enology, Bottling, Farming, Food processing, Gardening, Machine-tools, Technology