Bienal do Livro da Bahia 2013

Centro de Convenções da Bahia , Boca do Rio, Salvador - State of Bahia,
Salvador de Bahia (BR)

This event has been cancelled and will no longer be held

Bienal do Livro da Bahia: the trade show

The Bienal do Livro da Bahia is one of the most anticipated events by the readers of Brazil. The event brings together the latest publishers, literary agents and authors to meetings between profesionals and the general public. The Book Biennial has a very diversified cultural program, with spaces to promote reading, the authors meet their readers , round tables and cultural personalities from literature, dramatic reading and activities for children.

Bienal do Livro da Bahia editions

Bienal do Livro da Bahia 2013 From to Centro de Convenções da Bahia
Bienal do Livro da Bahia 2011 From to Centro de Convenções da Bahia