Assian Aroma Ingredients Congress 2019

Jakarta (ID)

This event has been cancelled and will no longer be held

Assian Aroma Ingredients Congress : the trade show

For centuries, Indonesia has been widely known for its vast natural resources including a wide variety of plants and vegetation. Many agricultural and forestry products have been cultivated either for raw materials or further processed. Only in the past 40 years or so has the essential oil refining industry started to develop. The modernization of agri-business and agro-industry has been slow leading to variations in the quality of cultivation and harvests, as well as inefficient processing plants and distillation techniques. Farmers’ and distillers’ limited access to working capital and modern trade mechanisms has spurred the emergence of middlemen who often add layers and complexity to the supply chain. These inefficiencies are not conducive to the growth of the Indonesian essential oil industry and diminish its global competitiveness. 

On the demand side, the flavor, fragrance and pharmaceutical industries - which are the largest purchasers and users of essential oils - require continuous supplies of essential oil products that meet certain quality standards and at reasonable price levels which ensure sustainable use of the products. Additionally they are always in search of new, unique, improved and better performing products that could help them meet the ever-rising standards demanded by the market. 

Faced with the above concerns, and following various meetings, the Dewan Atsiri Indonesia (DAI) / the Indonesian Essential Oil Council (IEOC) were established on May 3rd, 2007 with the VISION of “Indonesia as the essential oil center of excellence in the world”.

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